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Tips for Food Bloggers and Food Photography - Part II

You probably seen that new feature called Gallery on Instagram.

My personal suggestion is: "Not Post An Instagram Gallery"

There are many reasons for that, in particular, if you are looking to grow your Instagram account.

1. There is no video count in Gallery, so you only see likes of the whole content, not how much each was seen. This means other people are also not exposed to your count.

2. You cannot determine which of the actual pictures/videos was liked, since they are all bundled

3. There is no easy way today to Repost a Gallery, chances are repost accounts will overlook. Personally, I can only repost the first image in a gallery (not video).

4. You get less exposure of images, since only cover is prominent in your feed

5. Less traffic to your feed - If you had posted separately, chances of people seeing one of your posts increases.

6. Separate Posts, Separate Headlines and Content, more keywords, more traffic, richer feed increases your exposure. Don't post more of the same all of the time.

7. Don't be afraid to post more often, you can always archive or delete a post. You can also repost the best performing ones since you will have more metrics.

8. Gallery Videos don't show up in the trending feed's, so you are loosing traffic possibilities

So remember, you can post a Gallery of up to 10 images at once with limited possibilities, metrics, and exposure, or you can post 10 different posts with more exposure, full metrics, and greater control on keywords and content.

Let me know in the comments what you are experiencing out there, and what other tips you are looking for.


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