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Q&A With Instagram Chef @rub_grill_eat_repeat

Thanks Daniel, for inspiring the Instagram community, and for all your new cooking ideas, for all the amazing posts, and cooking tips. Was very happy to get to know you better via this interview.

You can read more of Daniel, in his Blog, and Instagram Profile.

Here goes:

Q. You are an amazing cook, and have an awesome Instagram profile. Can you please tell us a little bit of where you are coming from, and how you obtained your cooking passion and inspiration?

A. Thank you! My name Daniel, 32 years old from the area around Frankfurt Germany. I was always interested in Grill & BBQ topics since I was a kid. From mid 2016 I started to post on Instagram and found a good enthusiastic community not only in Germany also overseas, I always try to post in English as well. I recently started to invest more in more in BBQ gear and in new camera equipment to improve the overall quality of my posts. Latest milestone was the launch of my website in late Summer 2017. It gives me more space to post about recipes, equipment tests etc. It’s a lot of work, so it’s published German language only.

Q. Tell us a bit of your Hardware: Grills, Thermometers, Smokers, Special gear…

A. I’m mainly using 2 grills which are both very flexible in their usage. A kettle grill from German manufacturer Rösle, it’s absolutely high quality, 60cm diameter and I can easily upgrade it to a pizza oven, smoker or a rotisserie grill. It’s not so famous like Weber, but I think the F60 Air is way better than the Weber kettles. Especially the air control, the wheels and the overall weight which is factor 2 compared with to 57cm Weber. The other one is a Broil King Baron 490 gas grill, with 4 main burners, back burner and side burner. I use it mainly in the winter while the weather is really bad, the grill can be used in my garage, so I don’t need to care about rain etc. Both grills are featured in the equipment section of my website.

Another fancy tool is my authentic Thai Wok burner, I bought this 7 kg iron cast monster during my last Thailand vacation and carried it around in my backpack. The gas consumption is even higher than all burners together from my Broil King, it delivers serious heat.

Q. What is your favorite meat to cook, and why?

A. That’s a difficult question, I think it depends a lot on the season. I never eat fish or seafood but a lot of beef and lamb. I’m a big fan of Arabian or middle eastern cuisine, all those spices are perfect with lamb.

Q. What is your favorite way to cook, and why?

A. In general, if you ask me there is no difference in taste between direct charcoal and gas grilling. Of course, I’m not talking about 75 USD gas grills (I used in the past…). For me it depends a lot of the situation which type of grill I use, especially on summer weekends I will never use my gas grill, so I better sit outside and firing up some charcoals.

A Dutch Oven is also a must have, but be alerted they never stay alone. If you buy the first one, I can guarantee you will have another one within the next 6 months. Dutch Ovens are perfect to use in the winter months, I cook a lot of beef goulash, lamb shoulder etc. Editors note: They are so cool, I really need to try cooking in a Dutch oven soon.

Q. Can you share your favorite dry-rub/marinade/sauce recipe?

A. My favorite is a mix of dark soy sauce and a glaze. Marinate beef with soy sauce 2 h before grilling. For the glaze you need 4 tbsp of a chipotle ketchup, 2tbsp of Worcester Sauce, juice of a half fresh lime, fresh hacked chilis (1-2x), 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of peanut oil. Mix it, heat it up and glaze your meat over the flames.

Q. Can you share your #1 all-time favorite meat dish and recipe?

A. Lamb filet braids with a fresh oriental marinade, I need to do this again asap. You need fresh coriander, mint, shallots, garlic, cumin, salt & pepper and Oil. Mix it all together and marinate the lamb filets for several hours. On the smoker I takes around 1h low n’ slow at 110-130°C. Online recipe with pics here

Q. What non-obvious cooking tip can you share?

A. When I create own recipes, I’m trying to be as accurate as possible. When I use other recipes I’m always too lazy to read every detail and measure the ingredients exactly, so my advice is always add you own kind of style on existing recipes. Editor's note: I always love adapting recipes, and hate measuring precisely as well.

Q. Life Goals - What do you wish you could cook in the future? A whole cow? Crossed Lamb? Giant Paella…

A. I would like to play more with open fire in future. I recently won a giveaway, it’s a massive fire plate in will try to mount stuff like a rotisserie e.g. on that.

Q. What will you never ever cook or eat and why?

A. Fish & Seafood, I really of no clue why but I even can’t smell it, maybe something happened to me in my childhood .-)

Q. Must Have, can’t live without Grilling Accessory? Digital or non-Digital.

A. My Sous Vide stick, I just bought in 2017 but I will never ever give it away again. It’s so relaxed to grill a perfect steak over and over again. Editor's note: I also discovered Anova Sous Vide in the last year, and highly recommend it for perfect Steaks.

Q. Name 5 awesome inspiring cooks we must follow on Instagram and feel free to elaborate

A. Great products (meat, spices, wine etc.) and cool videos daily

@your_little_miss_sunshine_ I think is the biggest German female account, we need more girls in the pits.

@pitmasterx Visit his YouTube account, awesome weekly recipes

@tobias_oehlke Amazing professional photographer

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